Joseph Eggerman,Vicar

Favorite Bible Verse:

Hebrews 13:5 “Be content with what you have, for God has said, ‘Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.’”

If you are wondering what a “vicar” is, don’t worry—you’re not alone! A Vicar is a pastor-in-training. During our third year of study to be a minister in God’s church, vicars are sent out all over the country to put what they have learned in the classroom to good use for God’s kingdom. When I was asked where I wanted to go for vicarage, I said, “Somewhere with a lot of snow!” I think I will find that here in Wisconsin Rapids!

I was born and raised on a multi-generational family farm outside of Lockwood, Missouri, where we grew row crops and had enough cows to keep us out of trouble. Growing up I always wanted to be a pastor. High school and college held their “Jonah-moments”, but the Lord was watching over me the whole time, gently prodding me in the direction of ministry. I received a BA in History and a minor in German and MaRS (Medieval and Renaissance Studies) from the University of Missouri. It was during my time at Mizzou that I met my lovely wife Dreama. We have been inseparable ever since we got set up on a blind date by a couple mutual friends!  We now have a beautiful daughter, Eleanor, and are expecting another addition to our small family in November.

I am currently enrolled in the Masters of Divinity program at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, where I will return next summer to complete my education and be sent out as a minister.


The school's theme for this year is "Connected" (John 15:5). Share a time in your life when you saw the importance of being connected to Jesus.

Leaving my hometown and family behind, uprooting my wife and I to move to St. Louis for seminary, leaving for a vicarage year that will be formative but only last a calendar's span, not knowing where I will be assigned to at the end of my Seminary training-- we are able to endure the unknown because we have been connected to Christ. Through the Word and Sacraments, God has seen us through so far and will continue to see us through until His Son Jesus comes again!

What is the biggest risk you ever took?

Going against my inner thoughts and signing up for high school football. Going into it, I was unsure if I would quit after the first year-- defensive ends hit hard, ya know?! But it paid off because football became the sport I loved the most-- and I made the all-state lineman list to boot!

Hometown: Lockwood, MO

Contact Vicar Joseph