Mrs. Wendy Betts

Curriculum, Reading Interventionist

Favorite Bible Verse:

“She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. She speaks with a gentle wisdom.” Proverbs 31:25–26

In God’s perfect timing, I came into this world while my parents were on their way to the hospital for my delivery, with my sister in the back seat generously willing to give up her blanket for my comfort. While this very first experience of mine made my parents punctual people, this is an area I do put effort into. I grew up in a very small town in Iowa and enjoyed a childhood of biking around town, playing with friends and neighbors until dark, first job experiences on the farm including various uncles as employees and cousins as co-workers, and going to school with teachers who knew your parents from church and Bible study.

I went to college at Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska, and accepted my first call as a teacher at St. Matthew in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Living in Pittsburgh was, of course, a stark contrast to all other experiences at this point in my life, but God certainly blessed me with a loving church, families, and students who taught me a whole new perspective in living faithfully and trusting in God. During this time, I met Mr. Betts right here at Immanuel in Wisconsin Rapids when visiting my sister and her family. A year later we were married, and I began teaching here. Immanuel and the Wisconsin Rapids area has been my home for just about 30 years, where I have taught many grades, learned many new things, and raised 3 of my own children. When I’m not at Immanuel, I enjoy traveling to see family or to a tropical location that may or may not have a theme park, boating, reading, and spending time with loved ones.

The school’s theme this year is “Connected” (John 15:5). Share a time in your life when you saw the importance of being connected to Jesus.

When I became a mom and took my first baby home from the hospital, along with the great joy I felt as I placed him in his car seat, came a huge feeling of responsibility. I knew that I would need God’s help in raising all my children up in His Word. In order to teach my children about Jesus, it was necessary for me to have a strong connection with Him too. God showed me when I needed to do some “pruning” with my children, and sometimes I was the one who needed “pruning.” Now that my children are grown, it is still vital that I stay connected to God. He assures me that He is in control, that He will continue to love and protect my kids even when they aren’t with me, and He gives me new opportunities to bear His good fruit in my life.

What activity helps you relieve stress?

It’s a two-part process…. First reading and/or reflecting on God’s word reminds me I’m not alone and that God helps me carry my burdens. Second, laughing! It always helps whether I read a funny book, watch a funny video, or spend time with family and friends who make me laugh.

Hometown: Charter Oak, IA
Bachelor’s Degree: Secondary Education in English and Health, Concordia University Nebraska
Master’s Degree: Educational Literacy with a Reading Teacher License and a Reading Specialist License, Concordia University Wisconsin
Master of Curriculum and Instruction