Mrs. Cara Lee

Art Teacher, Reading Interventionist

Favorite Bible Verse:  

“Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

I was born and raised in Wisconsin Rapids, and I feel blessed to be part of the Immanuel teaching family. Every day is an opportunity to share, learn, and grow in Jesus and His love. And every day is an adventure! As a reading interventionist and an art teacher, I get the chance to share two of my passions with my students: reading and art! I also enjoy road trips, spending time at the lake, campfires, and spending time with my family. 

The school’s theme this year is “Connected” (John 15:5). Share a time in your life when you saw the importance of being connected to Jesus.

When my dad passed away on my 23rd birthday, I went through all the steps of the grieving process, including anger. I was angry at God for taking my father away so soon, but ultimately it was the connectedness I had with God that got me through the grief. It took a long time to celebrate my birthday again, but I am able to do so knowing that my dad is in heaven celebrating with our Lord.

What is one thing you look forward to doing when you retire?

Traveling more. We traveled with our kids to all 50 states, but this country is so vast and so full of beauty that there’s so much more in each state yet to see. I’d love to travel to each state again and see some of the things that didn’t make the cut our first time around. I’d also like to continue to travel abroad.

Hometown: Wisconsin Rapids, WI
Bachelor’s Degree: Elementary Education, University of Wisconsin-Superior
Minor: Social Studies
Reading Teacher License: University of Wisconsin-Stout