Mrs. Rebekah Drewiske

Eighth Grade Homeroom Teacher

Favorite Bible Verse:

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” Proverbs 16:3

I’m a math and science teacher, so here is my life in numbers and facts:

  • 0 – Number of animals in our home – Let’s not talk about the wildlife around my home!
  • 1 – The number of my grandparents STILL living
  • 2 – The number of siblings I have
  • 3 – Tumber of children we have
  • 6 – Years I taught before staying home with our first child
  • 12 – Years I attended a Lutheran school, including college at Concordia University in River Forest, IL
  • 16 – The December day I was born in Lansing, MI, many moons ago
  • 17 – Years it took to get me back into the classroom full-time
  • 22 – Years I have been married to Greg
  • 26 – Years I have lived in Wisconsin Rapids
  • Innumerable – The gifts and blessings God has given me

The school’s theme this year is “Connected” (John 15:5). Share a time in your life when you saw the importance of being connected to Jesus.

Anytime there has been a big change in the norm, God has shown His grace and mercy and nudged me to stay connected. Staying home with our children when they were little was daunting and could have led to a disconnection, but God provided opportunities for staying connected. Sending a kid off to college upsets the dynamic left at home, but with continued prayer and support from those God placed in our lives, we have been able to stay connected with the college kid and develop stronger bonds with those left at home.

If you could have one wish, what would it be?

I would love for someone to come and clean my house each week. Even if everything is picked up and put away, there are still dust bunnies and fingerprints that need to be taken care of…and most times, I just want to spend time with my family instead of all the other “stuff.”

Hometown: Lansing, MI
Bachelor’s Degree: Education, Concordia University Chicago