Ms. Melody Czarapata

Sixth Grade Homeroom Teacher

Favorite Bible Verse:

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'” Jeremiah 29:11

I was born and raised in Wausau, Wisconsin, and am happy to be teaching another year in Wisconsin Rapids. I feel blessed to be a part of the Immanuel family, serving as the 6th grade homeroom and 8th grade English Language Arts teacher. What an awesome opportunity it is to share my passion for learning and Christ with my students each and every day! When I’m not in the classroom, I enjoy binge watching my favorite shows, reading/podcasts, crafting, wandering the aisles of Target, cheering on the Green Bay Packers, and playing board games with friends and family.

The school’s theme this year is “Connected” (John 15:5). Share a time in your life when you saw the importance of being connected to Jesus.

I am reminded daily that my plans are not necessarily God’s plans for me. Being connected to a community of supportive followers of Christ (especially in my coworkers and Immanuel family) has gotten me through many of life’s ups and downs. Relying on my connection to Christ has helped me navigate relationships, pressures at work, personal stressors, and the general difficulties of adulting in 2023.

What is the most beautiful place you have ever seen in person?  Why did you choose this place?

I was blessed to travel to San Juan, Puerto Rico, while on a cruise. My family and I went on a memorable kayaking excursion to a bioluminescent bay. The water was absolutely stunning, and it’s something I hope to experience again in my lifetime.

Hometown: Wausau, WI
Bachelor’s Degree: Elementary Education, Double Minor in English and Science, Concordia University Wisconsin