What Is EPH4?

EPH4 (E - four) is a midweek ministry based on Ephesians 4:11–13, which says, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God.”


Wednesdays @ 5–7 pm

Faith Enrichment for All Ages

What to Expect
What to Expect

Doors to our school building will open at 5 pm. We begin with a meal to help accommodate busy family schedules. We don’t charge for the meal, but donations are accepted to help offset the cost.

At 5:45 pm, children, youth and adults head out to a variety of different class offerings, where you will engage in discussion with other Christians, be encouraged in your faith-walk with Jesus, be equipped with biblical knowledge, and leave feeling enriched in your faith! The evening wraps up with prayer and a sending blessing at 7 pm.

EPH4 Fall Classes

EPH4 is a time of fellowship and faith enrichment for the whole family. Fall registration is now open!

Parent & Toddler

You and your toddler learn about Jesus together! As parents, you will also discover practical ways to worship and teach about Jesus in your home.

4K–5th Grade

Stories, games, and crafts combine for an hour of engaging Bible instruction.

Youth Group - 6th–12th Grade

All 6th – 12th Grade youth are welcome to join us for games and Bible study during this time.

Adult Classes

Classes offered for the 8 weeks of our fall session.

The Gospel According to Mark: What comes to your mind when you think of Mark? Shortest Gospel-check; no Christmas story-check; confusing ending(s)-check; no resurrected Jesus-check. So why would you want to attend a study of the Gospel According to Mark? Because there’s more to Mark than what we see, or don’t see, at first glance. Join us for a fast paced, action filled study of what many might consider an insignificant Gospel as Mark guides us to experience and put our faith in both our Servant King and our Suffering King. Led by Rev. Kevin Ader.

Myth or Faith?: Clearing Up Common Misconceptions about Christianity: There are plenty of misconceptions about Christianity in today’s society. From false rumors to biblical teachings that are heavily distorted from their subject matter, there’s no lack of myths to find. Do you know how to respond to them? More importantly, do you know the truth backed up by God’s Word and teachings?

Each week we will explore some of these different misconceptions you may or may not know about Christianity. Led by Pastor Tim Ritter

Israel in the Wilderness: Experience the Bible in historical context! Biblical analogies and examples, while meaningful and helpful even to this day, were first meant to convey God’s truth to particular people in a particular time and place. So, the more fully we can appreciate those times and places, the more fully we can respond to the power of the Word. Led by Dave Funke.

Fall Eph4 Meal Schedule

Sept. 11 - Beef Tips & Mashed Potatoes
Sept. 18 - Rocky's Pizza
Sept. 25 - Scalloped Potatoes with Ham
Oct. 2 - BBQ sandwiches
Oct. 9 - Rocky's Pizza
Oct. 16 - Swedish Meatballs & Mashed Potatoes / Hotdogs
Oct. 23 - Shredded Chicken Sandwiches
Oct. 30 - Brats & Hotdogs

Contact Us

Do you have any additional questions? We'd love to hear from you!