Pastor Ritter ~ March
Wow! What a wonderful celebration we had on the weekend of our dedication of our new church home. It was so nice to see all of our members giving a warm welcome to our visitors and guests from the community during our open house. Last month, in the newsletter, I had encouraged you to show people the church, not just the building and as we heard from others, people really got to see the church and feel the love of Christ. Thank-you!
I am excited to be worshipping in our new sanctuary and looking forward to the Lenten Journey from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday we will be taking together. Our series for Lent is titled Savior, Servant, Friend. Lent provides us with a perfect chance to explore the extraordinary attributes of our Savior, Servant, Friend, who is Jesus, and marvel at the blessings we receive from his suffering, death and resurrection. We encourage you to take home with you a devotional booklet at the information booth (the red wall) and commit to 40 days of being in God’s Word and devotion.
We invite you to join us for worship on March 5th for the Ash Wednesday worship with both the imposition of ashes as well as Holy Communion. Then continue to worship with us during one of our regular weekend services and each Wednesday in Lent at 6pm. Since we have gotten used to not having to cook on Wednesdays during EPH4, we will have a meal for you on Wednesdays starting at 5pm over in our Mission Center. So come and be fed physically and spiritually.
During each of the Wednesdays in Lent we will explore the extraordinary attributes of our Savior, Servant and Friend, Jesus. It will be a time to marvel at the many blessings we received when he laid down his life for us on the cross and then rose victorious from the grave. Each service in this series dwells upon a different aspect of our greatest Friend and what each characteristic means to us as his followers and friends.
Lent prepares us to fully appreciate what Jesus did upon the cross on Good Friday, so that we can have an even greater appreciation of what Easter is all about. This year, take advantage of the excitement of our new church building to invite friends, neighbors or coworkers to worship with you so that they too can hear about Jesus who is the Savior, Servant and Friend! See you in church!