Nic Cass ~ March
New Building, New Opportunities
What a wonderful celebration of God’s work at Immanuel as we transition to our new building. It is hard to express my full excitement at the opportunities for ministry that our new site will offer. With a focus on family ministry is was so heartening to see so many families and kids come through our building during our open house and first weekend of worship.
I think we are likely all familiar with the verse from Matthew chapter 20 in which Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name. there I am among them.” Praise God, we had many more than three and indeed God was among us. Looking forward, I pray we continue to be blessed with people coming to Immanuel to know God, and want to highlight some returning and upcoming ministries.
Though our time of Sunday Spiritual growth never stopped, we were limited by the space available to us in the Mission Center. Going forward we are returning to a time of Sunday School for kids and Bible study for both youth and adult. All will take place Sunday mornings, 9:30 – 10:15 AM. We hope you will join us for this time of fellowship and growing in your faith.
Looking a little further out, we are looking forward to hosting Vacation Bible School at our new site this June. VBS provides a wonderful opportunity to connect not just with our members but with the families of our community as well. This year, we are exploring transitioning to a morning VBS time as it allows for a longer program and more fun activities for the kids. However, to make this happen, we are in need of volunteers. If you are interested in helping in any way from decorating to preparing snacks, to teaching children please let me know! You can express your interest to me personally or sign up through the QR code below.