Brian Betts ~ February

Mary Martin   -  

What is your limit?

Have you ever had a time in your life when you found yourself doing more than you should be? You are stretched thin, and if this continues, it may significantly impact your life or health. Chances are you have been in this situation at some point. The theme for February is Know Your Limit. Psalms 16:5-6 says, “Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely, I have a delightful inheritance.” In this passage, David talks about the hard times he has had. But the priority and boundaries get blurry through all life’s challenges and putting other things before God. Where is the true blessing in life going to come from? Who will provide what is needed? The answer is God. However, our boundaries are sometimes not how God would want us to live.

During the month, the students will learn about boundaries in these areas: material, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual areas. As a consumer, you can do many things; however, not everything is helpful to our lives. Boundaries are essential in our lives and will guide how we treat ourselves and others respectfully. God wants to be in a relationship with us, and He wants us to decide to follow Him.

God gives us the ability to make choices in our lives. During this month, look at the boundaries in your life so you can focus on how God created you to live and thrive in life. Seek new ways to grow your faith and strengthen your lives. This might be as simple as walking to enjoy God’s creation, reading the Bible, or connecting with someone you have not talked to. May God bless you this month as you learn your limits.

In Christ,
Brian J. Betts-Principal