Brian Betts ~ November

Mary Martin   -  

Listen Up!

The world that we live in today is full of “noise” that makes it difficult for people to listen to what is important.  I know that personally there are times in which I could be a better listener to those around me who have something important to share.  When I was a kid growing up my mother saying “Listen Up Brian” was an indicator that her patience was coming to an end and I better focus.  The story in the Bible of the woman who had been sick for many years touches Jesus and is healed.  Jesus asks the crowd who has touched Him and the woman replies it was me.  Jesus in this moment is fully engaged with this woman to support her and meet her needs.  How can we be like Jesus and listen to meet the needs of people in our lives?  

The catchphrase for November is “Listen Up!”  Proverbs 2:2 says “Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding.”  The students will be learning this month the importance of listening with their whole selves so that others feel seen, heard, and valued. In your life are there people who are talking to you but you are not listening?  Here is an acrostic that you might want to use that can help develop the skills of being a better listener.


  • Get Quiet-Shut down your distracting thoughts and put down those screens so you can listen.
  • Engage-Be an active listener and when appropriate ask questions for more understanding.
  • Accept-When that person shares details of their life this is something personal.  Accept this as a gift and show kindness and respect.  
  • Respond- Our body language and physical response are another form of communication with our friends.  The response is a way that communicates that we are listening.

G.E.A.R. is an example of how to be a better listener.  However, there are times in which you may feel overwhelmed by the world.  Some triggers may be the media from our devices, the boss not being happy with our performance, or other hard things in life.  When life is hectic and we just can’t handle it, we can always come to Jesus in prayer.  The Bible verse from Proverbs reminds us to seek God for wisdom in times of trouble.  Praying to Jesus is the best way to turn down the noise of the world.  He is always there and ready to listen.  Jesus can provide peace to our minds and bodies.

During November I encourage you to put your listening skills into practice as you see family and friends and give thanks to God for the many blessings.  Look for those opportunities to support others through the challenges of life.  Thanks for listening.

In Christ,

Brian J. Bets-Principal