Pastor Clayton ~ October

Mary Martin   -  

Fall is here. The weather is cooling down, the leaves are changing, and many of our minds now think about the things that go bump in the night. Throughout October we are surrounded by all kinds of images, decorations, and stories that remind us of the supernatural. Often with them being portrayed in fictional movies, we think of things like demons as mostly fiction. However, God’s Word contains plenty of stories about them.

Perhaps my favorite one is an encounter between Jesus and the demonic, which comes from Luke 4:31-37. One day, while Jesus is teaching in the synagogue, a man stands up in the crowd. From his lips came another creature’s words, saying, “Ha! What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God.” What a bold move! This creature knows who it is facing and yet challenges Jesus. It knows that Jesus is not just a prophet, but God in the flesh. With just a few words, Jesus causes this demon to leave the man unharmed, showing His power and authority.

This story is one of my favorites because of two things it shows us. First, the demonic is real. Second, even they are subject to Jesus and weak in His presence.

On October 30th, our Youth Group Bible Study will focus on the supernatural. We’ll spend some time seeing what Scripture says about spirits, focusing especially on demons and Satan. While we’ll see things that can cause us worry, we’ll also see the great power and authority Jesus has over even these things, so that we need not be afraid.

Pastor Bryce

Oct. 2 – Bible Study | Topic: Moses’ Life in Egypt
Oct. 9 – Game Night
Oct. 16 – Bible Study | Topic: Moses’ Life in Egypt
Oct. 23 – Game Night
Oct. 30 – Bible Study | Topic: The Supernatural
Nov. 6 – Game Night