Pastor Clayton ~ September

Mary Martin   -  

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

The start of September often means the end of several things. The end of vacations. The end of late nights. The end of the summer. While I’m sad to see summer come to an end already – and it really did go by fast – I’m excited for all the things that are about to begin. Here at Immanuel, September marks the start of school, confirmation, and Eph4, just to name a few.

This year confirmation and Eph4 are going to look a little different for the youth of Immanuel. Confirmation will now be taking place almost right after school on Wednesdays, starting at 4:00 p.m. We’ll be wrapping up by 5:00 p.m. so that everyone can get down for the meal at the start of Eph4. During the evening then our youth will gather together for different activities each week. For the fall sessions of Eph4, our youth group will alternate between games one week and a Bible study the next.

Our Bible studies for the fall will be covering the story of Moses from his birth until the wilderness. His story is one full of new beginnings, from his birth and safe keeping through the river, to his call from God out of the burning bush, to his role as leader of the nation as he guided Israel out of Egypt and into the wilderness. Throughout the fall, we’ll see how God was at work in Moses’s life to bring salvation to His people, working through those who you might not expect.

As we study Moses’s story, we’ll also look far beyond some other stories. First, at another new beginning with Jesus’s birth and life. The story of Moses is one full of images, events, and words that point directly to Jesus, highlighting who He is, what He came to do, and what that means for us. Then we’ll reflect on our stories, and see what Moses’ life shows us about God, how He brought us salvation, and how we live as His people.

So I invite all our youth to join us this fall as we start something new! I’m looking forward to this time we’ll have as we come together as God’s people to grow in faith and fellowship together to prepare for all that God has in store for us.

Pastor Bryce