Brian Betts ~ March

Mary Martin   -  

Uniquely You
“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Ephesians 2:10

This month, our focus is on what a masterpiece God has created in each of us and that the beauty
comes from the inside, and our differences make our world a better place. One of my roles as principal is to work with many different groups of people and how they can support the school ministry. There are teachers and staff, students, parents, congregational members, etc. In my conversations with these people, I am reminded that God has created each of them as unique individuals and that no one is like them in the world. They also have hearts that God has given them and a special mission to serve in our world. However, there will be days when conflict and differences arise. Conflict is a normal part of life. When this happens, I am reminded to look not at the outside but at where the person’s heart is leading. How can I see what they want to do will be part of God’s plan? In many cases, the heart moves in the right direction when questions are asked about what God wants this person to do to support school ministry. And as this happens, may God be praised.

My challenge during this season is to look past what people may say or do, as mistakes will be made. Do not get stuck making comparisons to others, as this is just a thief of joy. Put your energy and focus on looking deeper into what the person is looking for and what you might be able to do to work together to help each other achieve much more than you thought. What is your masterpiece that God has given to you? God does not make junk and knows that you are precious in his sight. Allow us to see others as the Lord sees us daily and know that when our heart is right with God, it will show how we care for others.

I share two resources with you that can help support your family. Jennie Williamson has a song, I Am Unique, and the following is a link to her music at another school. Another resource is a book about the impact social media has on our children. The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt. I would encourage you to read this book as parents can help support our students and help them know that God has made them unique.

In Christ,
Brian J. Betts-Principal