Pastor Clayton ~ January

Mary Martin   -  

Happy New Year! The start of a new year is often a time when new goals are set and new habits are formed. It is often a time when people see in what ways they want to grow and begin to pursue it. At Immanuel, we have a lot going on to help you grow in your faith and knowledge of God. From worship, to Bible study, to Eph4 (plus more) there are a lot of ways for you to continue to do so. For a moment, I’d like to share about what will be going on for our youth in January that will help them to grow in their faith.

Eph4 will begin again on January 8th, with a similar rotation as in the Fall. Youth Group will alternate between games and Bible studies each week. On January 19th, those participating in the Youth Gathering will meet again. It will be a great time to reflect on what God has in store for us this year as we prepare for and go to the Gathering!

Lastly, January 25th we will have a Winter Retreat at Immanuel Lutheran School. This retreat will be a six-hour time of fellowship where the youth can come together to play games, have dinner, and have a time of worship.

And all this is only the start! As we go into this New Year, with new goals and hopes, we do so knowing that God is with us. We do so knowing that He will provide for us. And we do so knowing what the future will hold: His return! Until that day though, join us as we grow together in our faith and knowledge of the baby born for your salvation!

Blessings on the New Year!

Pastor Bryce Clayton

January Youth Group Schedule
Jan. 8 | Activity: Eph4 | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School
Jan. 15 | Activity: Eph4 | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School
Jan. 19 | Activity: Youth Gathering Meeting | Location: Mission Center
Jan. 22 | Activity: Eph4 | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School
Jan. 25 | Activity: Winter Retreat | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School
Jan. 29 | Activity: Eph4 | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School
Feb. 5 | Activity: Eph4 | Location: Immanuel Lutheran School